"When your day seems topsy turvey
And as stormy as can be
There's nothing quite as tranquil
As a nice hot cup of tea

While you savor this ambrosia
Your problems fade away
Its warmth will bring you comfort
And brighten up your day

So take a private moment
There's a calmness as you'll see
All because you briefly stopped
To sip a cup of tea."

- Anonymous

February 15, 2008

breakfast in bed

5:00 am My dream is interrupted by the alarm. I hit the snooze. Yoga just wasn't happening.

It's the day after Valentine's and I like to imagine everyone, everywhere is enjoying breakfast in bed. The smell of fresh squeezed oranges. "Lingers of moments, aftertaste of thoughts." I'm going back to sleep.

Godiva Chocolate & Roasted Pecan Pancakes

Your Favorite Pancake Mix
Roasted Pecans
Godiva dark chocolate chips
Ice Cream optional
Your Sweetheart's favorite syrup or melted chocolate (I'll have mine without)

Prepare your favorite pancake mix, then add roasted chopped pecans and godiva dark chocolate chips. Serve with favorite syrup and enjoy a quick and sinful breakfast!

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