"When your day seems topsy turvey
And as stormy as can be
There's nothing quite as tranquil
As a nice hot cup of tea

While you savor this ambrosia
Your problems fade away
Its warmth will bring you comfort
And brighten up your day

So take a private moment
There's a calmness as you'll see
All because you briefly stopped
To sip a cup of tea."

- Anonymous

February 11, 2008

sprint or jog?

Curled up on the sofa I hadn't moved at all weekend. Ok, I lied. I went to my cardio class. But, for the most part, I was on a deserted island, or so I pretended. I accepted very few phone calls and used very little technology. It was perfect. Occasionally I have to pretend I'm alone in a cabin with the nearest city miles away. It's the next best thing to a real vacation. Anyway, back in reality today, I realized I wasn't doing near enough to help the environment. And then it occurred to me that in order to improve the environment, I have to further improve my health.

So, it's February 11th and everyone's already preparing for spring break. There's nothing more annoying than those who want to sprint to that finish line. Health-improvement shouldn't be a two-week journey and neither should environmentalism. Try starting a food diary or a waste diary. A lifestyle change can result in subconscious improvements over time.

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