"When your day seems topsy turvey
And as stormy as can be
There's nothing quite as tranquil
As a nice hot cup of tea

While you savor this ambrosia
Your problems fade away
Its warmth will bring you comfort
And brighten up your day

So take a private moment
There's a calmness as you'll see
All because you briefly stopped
To sip a cup of tea."

- Anonymous

January 20, 2008

nod to MLK

"A day on, not a day off."

As I prepare for tomorrow's holiday...

[We interrupt this post to bring you breaking news]
"Ron Paul Supporters Prepare to Drop Money Bombs on MLK Day"

I feel like I should write something pertaining to MLK Day. As I peruse online news articles, I hope to find something of interest. I'll compile a list as I go:

What Change Will You Make?

But before I can find more, I stumble upon this:
MLK Day is the Least Celebrated Holiday.
This might be why I'm having trouble...

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