"When your day seems topsy turvey
And as stormy as can be
There's nothing quite as tranquil
As a nice hot cup of tea

While you savor this ambrosia
Your problems fade away
Its warmth will bring you comfort
And brighten up your day

So take a private moment
There's a calmness as you'll see
All because you briefly stopped
To sip a cup of tea."

- Anonymous

February 6, 2008

alcohol or chocolate?

I don't partake in Lent, and I don't particularly like to discuss religion. However, I can't help but wonder, "What will you give up today?" Maybe, instead of caffeine you will make a conscious effort to improve the environment. Maybe today you'll say, "it's the little things that count;" and you'll change a light bulb or ride your bike. Maybe you'll dare to try no impact living. Maybe, just maybe, you can have your cake and eat it to.

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