"When your day seems topsy turvey
And as stormy as can be
There's nothing quite as tranquil
As a nice hot cup of tea

While you savor this ambrosia
Your problems fade away
Its warmth will bring you comfort
And brighten up your day

So take a private moment
There's a calmness as you'll see
All because you briefly stopped
To sip a cup of tea."

- Anonymous

February 26, 2008

Someone pinch me. I must be dreaming.

Corporate Greed
Corporate Power
Corporate Control

All lead to one thing. Ralph Nader. He's Back! Yes. Ralph Nader announced on "Meet the Press" that he will be joining the presidential race. So what does this mean? Is he merely a pawn in this political game? Is he solely responsible for Gore's loss in 2000?

The Arizona Republic, oh wait, did you want me to answer these rhetorical questions? Anyway, it reports "Nader is aiming to be the "None of the Above" candidate at a time when the nation is long beyond protest votes."

Alright so here it is... the point. Ralph is old (he turns 74 tomorrow)and he's not only trying to save face, but seeks to run on a platform with little relevance. I say if you want an alternative candidate vote Libertarian, vote Ron Paul (yes, I know he's running on the Republican ticket). He's "Nader 2.0" but with a stronger platform.

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